UNTUK PESANAN, EMAIL: kosserani@yahoo.com
MuscleTech NitroTech Hardcore 4lbs
Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla
Total Servings: 64
The BEST protein ever in building muscles!
Selling Price: RM400
GNC Retail Price:RM500
MuscleTech CellTech Hardcore 6.7lbs
Lemon Lime, Orange
Total Servings: 30
Post-workout supplement. Works EXTREMELY well when mix with NitroTech Hardcore in building muscles.
Selling Price: RM430
GNC Retail Price:RM570
BSN No-Xplode 1.8lbs / 2.7lbs
Orange, Fruit Punch
Total Servings: 60
Pre-workout supplement that will give you energy and mental focus for your workout.Give a very good blood flow and pump to muscle cell.
Selling Price: RM300 (1.8lbs)
RM400 (2.7lbs)
GNC Retail Price:Rm400
BSN CellMass 960g
Flavor: Grape
Total Servings: 60
Pre-workout and post workout supplement to boost recovery and strength
Selling Price: RM400
GNC Retail Price:RM590
BSN TrueMass 5.75lbs
Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla
Total Servings: 18
Best protein to bulk up size. Low in sugar, therefore wont gain 'belly'.Can be used as meal replacment as well.
Directions: Take 1 serving (3 scoops) True-Mass with 16 oz of cold water in a shaker cup
immediately after your workout.
Selling Price: RM360
GNC Retail Price:RM420
Optimum Nutrition 5.15lbs
Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies, Strawberry
Total Servings: 80
Fast absorption protein with protein isolate and hydrowhey. The best time to take is during post-workout and your ‘breakfast time’.
Selling Price: RM320
GNC Retail Price:RM400
Dymatize 12-Hour Protein
(Time-released protein for bed time)
Chocolate, Vanilla
Total Servings: 61
Used to prevent the muscles from breaking down during bed time. Can be used as meal replacement as well. Can be taken during morning as well.
Selling Price: RM220
GNC Retail Price:R320
MuscleTech Hydroxycut Hardcore
(120 Capsules)
Fat burner which meant for hardcore sports person.
University Researched To
Decrease Body Fat by 7.9%
LiquidTech Capsules-A rapid release liquid micro-dispersion technology that helps the formula work faster for you.
Selling Price: RM320
GNC Retail Price:RM400
MuscleTech Anator P70 3.3 lbs
Berry Blast, Orange Cooler
The World's First And Only Muscle Gene Activator!
Genetically triggers rapid and dramatic muscle growth.
Scientifically engineered to immediately manipulate master genetic muscle regulators p70S6K, MAFbx, FOXO, PKB and mTOR.
The most powerful DNA-activating muscle size and strength product ever developed!
Clinically proven for its effectiveness.
Directions: Take 1 serving (2 scoops) of Anator-P70 with 16 oz of cold water in a shaker cup
immediately after your workout. For best result, use for at least 8 weeks.
*This Bottle Provide a 1-month supply if you work out 4 times per week.
Selling Price: RM450
GNC Retail Price:RM604
Ultimate Nutrition Xtreme Amino
(330 Chewable Tablet)
Flavor :
Taste good like chocolate and the latest BCAA source
Support lean body mass and burn fat
Selling Price: RM250
GNC Retail Price:RM304
Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice 10 pounds
Flavor :
Choc, cookies , banana , strawberry , vanilla
Perfect Weight Gainer for skinny people or hardgainer
Selling Price: RM250
GNC Retail Price:RM390
TKE Joint Boost with MSM & Shark Cartilage
(120 Capsules)
A very good joint supplement. Ingredients are one of the best in market.
Good for joint paint, knee pain and others
Selling Price: RM230
GNC Retail Price:RM250
Nutrex LIPO 6
(120 Capsules)
Total servings: 60
Best selling fat burner globally
Target problem area
(tummy, hips, love handle and others)
Selling Price: RM300
GNC Retail Price:RM350
businessman plak skrang yer...bertambah satu lagi profile...I tak leh minum ni...sbb jenis tak komited..buat rugi jer kalau beli satu tahan setahun...huhuhu
Kak UMI MIA...selagi ada kesemnpatan, rebut semua peluang, bisnes sikit2 jer...heh heh heh
susah plak nak tgk susunan rega tuh kos..
aper kata ko susun balik.. letak description bawah gambo..senang sket nak paham...muekekeke
utk wanita² takder ker kos?
Reen, sebenarnya utk perempuanpun ada juga, sila baca yg utk lean dan keep slim perut, but for u no need, body dah cikeding mcm model heh heh heh
Owh...pasal price tu...nanti aku susun dan letak kat bawah pic jer
Mahal jugak harga setiap satu yer. Kat sini pun baru 30-80 Euro. Sebenarnya, supplement tu klu amik pun x banyak membantu gak klu x excersice. Pasal klu amik x excercise, badan leh gemuk pasal terlebih protein. pastu ditambah plak ngan diet makanan yg x teratur. aku ada ramai kawan yg badan cantik, so diaorg maintain badan kena pegi gym selalu. Klu x gi gym pun, just push up pun dah kira ok. Klu nak tau badan seseorang tu betul2 muscle, klu muscle dia tu keras atau pejal, makna nyer dia amik supplement ngan excersice selalu. tapi klu muscle dia x keras, makna nyer dia banyak amik supplement tapi x byk excersice atau dia buat injection. tu jer..
Supplement tu sebenarnya di ambil lepas excersice untuk membaiki tisu-tisu yg koyak dengan cepat selepas training. Aku pun amik gak, Protein whey lepas excersice. Tapi x leh amik banyak sangat, org cakap klu terlebih banyak protein nanti tumbuh jerawat hehehehe..
HEYKAL...memang kat sini mahal. Betul kat U tu...kalau X execise...boleh juga badan berketul dgn ambil suppliment food ni, tapi lembek otot tu heh heh heh.
Wahh...bestnya ya...kat sana murah harganya
nak hilang perut buncit camana...
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